

mama - what's your favourite part of halloween?
faz - dressing up. you get to pick out a costume. i'm going to be a which-what-who monster. don't worry, it's not scary. i made a cute mask.

mama - do you have any advice for pumpkin carvers?
faz - be careful. use basic shapes. don't draw anything smaller than your thumb. use a saw like on a swiss army knife. it works better.

mama - what is on your jack-o-lantern?
faz - a big lightning bolt and a zombie.


Anonymous said...

very nice pumpkin! We had one pumpkin to carve so one side Yuri wanted a dino, on the other NuEmi drew out hearts and a kitten to carve. Have a great day! Hope you feel better soon.

jz2 + faz + soleil = heart said...

thanks, schneiders. your pumpkin sounds great! i'm almost better but i sure do have a plugged nose.