
board games

i've been excited about learning board games. daddy got out his book of board games and so far i've learned checkers, roundabouts, hasami shogi, hoppers and brax. it feels good to win, and you need to enjoy it. because you can't win all the time.


ribsy by beverly cleary

- what was your favourite part of this book?
- the ending. i like how they rescued him off of the fire escape.

- of all the people that found ribsy, who do you think took the best care of him?
- the last person, larry. mrs. frawley was nice, but she got him to do stuff that he really didn't want to do.

- what would you do if your pet got lost?
- i would probably call the people who made ribsy. they might have some ideas. or i might call the pet fish farm, if it was bluey or dorothy. maybe if i lost a bird, i would call beverly cleary.

- do you think that ribsy is realistic? do dogs think that way?
- no. i think that because in some parts he knew human language, like what mrs. frawley said and i'm pretty sure that dogs don't know words.

- who do you think would enjoy this book?
- henry.

- what would you say to convince someone to read it?
- the dog is really funny.


there's good and bad things about robots

you see before robots were invented, if people lost hands or arms they needed to have a hook that didn't work very well. but now they can have an electronic arm that can do most of the things that a regular arm can do.

but there are bad things about electricity. it takes energy that the earth needs and uses it just for people.


this is me

mama and daddy want to give away a picture of me to everyone. i didn't like the one they picked. so i made my own. i am an ewok running away from something.


today i opened a door into my heart.

this is my robot.  i got him today from my grandma, in my star wars lego advent calendar.  i built him by myself this morning.  his personality - this robot might look tough but is very gentle.   he is personable.  i have all his friends too.

this is dack ralter, one of my robot's friends.  actually his only friend.  he is also personable.  when somebody is arguing, he usually joins into the argument.  he likes to argue.  but then his friend, the robot, will join in too.  "no it isn't," dack ralter will say.  "yes it is," the robot will say.

my robot likes to lift weights and get stronger.  he is conversational, not a fun robot that plays games.  my heart is his.

from having this robot i have learned that i don't need a lot of toys.  my robot was the only thing i played with today.  it is all i need to be happy.  i prefer things that are small and simple and delicate.  for christmas i want small simple delicate lego things, handmade crafts, and underpants.



today my friend henry taught me how to play chess.


tonight i made a trick for the tooth fairy.  i taped an orange seed to a nice pink card with a cutout of a tooth.  i got daddy to write "dear tooth fairy.  i lost a tooth.  this is my first lost tooth.  i'm really excited for you to come.  this is a tooth.  enjoy my tooth.  i do not want money.  love from forest.  ps. there is another card in this envelope with my list."  the other card is shaped like a tooth.  i would like a ninjago, candy, a woodburning kit, a christmas craft or fruit.



today i did a few pages of word games in my workbook and then i used a mirror to draw this self-portrait.