
make your own protective samurai

this is a little funny friend who will come alive when you are not looking, or even at night. he will guard your house. you will be free of bad dreams. try making your own. look at the picture below.


escape from planet x

i made my own game again. check it out! i'll tell you how to play. use spacebar to attack, up to jump, left and right to go left and right, down to crouch. to use your jetpack, press c. have fun!


the tin woodman of oz by l. frank baum

what was your favourite part of this book?
i'm thinking about two things at once. let me just meditate on it. i liked when the giantess captured everybody and turned them into different animals.

if you captured me, what would you turn me into to improve me for your entertainment?
ummm. uhhh. don't forget to write that. i've got it! a robot that looks like donkey kong. and your foot would be as wide as our house. that should give you a good idea of how big it is. then i would make you take off your underpants and say booga-booga ten times outside.

which character in the story is most like you?
the tin woodman, probably. just because i like going on adventures.

where would you like to travel in oz?
the emerald city. because i like emeralds. but i wouldn't want to live there. instead i would live in munchkin land because i would like to try out being a munchkin. i like that they are tiny.

was it right of ku-klip to make a new person out of the cast-off parts from captain fyter and the tin woodman?
no. because those parts still belonged to them even though they weren't using them anymore.

do you think nimee amee and chopfyt are truly happy?
no. because chopfyt is usually always grumpy. but they should be happy. i don't really know what they should do differently. i don't think about stuff like that. that's not my kind of question.

if you could ask the author anything about oz, what would you ask?
could you make a straw woodman please?


it's for you to know and me to find out

at beavers we went to the art gallery. my three favourite parts were:

1. i got new button and a card that proves that i went to the exhibit.
2. lionel stevenson's photos of giant rocks.
3. seeing the scissor lift behind the scenes in the sub-basement.


click to try.

these are the best videos i have ever seen.


smash crash double bash

i made my own video game on sploder. try it now!

star track two

when i grow up i am going to have my own movie studio and make full-length movies [not shows] called star track two. these will be computer-animated movies. take a look at the pictures below.

this is fighter squad one. they are the heroes. from right to left this is t-91, penguin droid, hummingbird-bot, bud-bot and flame crystal.

this is fighter squad two. they are the villains. from right to left we have general pecker, iron troll, hypno-crystal-beard, junk punk, and disc-club-tongue.

i don't have the plot yet, but i am working on it. i think i will start with a stop-motion animated video for a sneak peek.


the bfg by the big friendly giant

what was your favourite part of this book?
- the ending.  not the fact that it was over, but the trick at the end where the book is actually written by roald dahl but the story pretends that it was written by the bfg himself.

if you were a people-eating giant, what would your name be?
- bonecruncher.

the idea of giants sneaking around at night and snatching dozens of children from their beds and chewing them up is probably the most horrid thing i can imagine.  were you ever scared or grossed out?
- no.  if it was real i would be scared, but no.   i can't remember anything that grossed me out.  except when the butler said that "maybe there is still a bit of dried blood left on that sword" so they had to clean it before the bfg used it as a breakfast knife.

do you think a place like giant country could exist?
- yes.  i would get there by asking the bfg.

other characters seemed to have a hard time understanding the bfg when he talks,  did you?
- no.  because i knew a lot of words already and i knew how they really went.  like how he says gnat instead of cat.

pretend i'm someone who hasn't read this book.  convince me to read it.
- hey!  there's this awesome book!  you should read it.  it is about a big friendly giant.

i don't know that i'm convinced yet.
- well, they stop evil giants from eating, as the bfg would call it "human beans".  which are actually human beings.

yuck.  are you sure i'm going to like it?
- yes!  because it is great and really funny.


i just made up a tongue twister

say this five times fast: "foiley boiled a coiley" isn't that a sick joke?