
instant robot

i made the motor from the k'nex ferris wheel set into a simple robot.

k'nex robot zoom from jenny josh forest soleil on Vimeo.


hours of fun

i'm sneaky

i played a trick when i was practicing writing my name. see if you can find it.


star wars theme on mario night

this is the best costume i ever got. it's a stormtrooper costume. look below. you might see a stormtrooper, but it is actually me.


i will become a plumber when i grow up

replacing a pop-up drain is fun and easy. i'm an even better plumber than my daddy. watch the video below. click on start and you are ready to be a plumber like me.


my best set i ever made

look, i made up this cool set called the ace assault. the ace assault has a fire blaster, and three detachable weapons. see if you can spot them for yourself in the picture. jay the ninja is holding his green spear with spikes on it and his pet lightning-bolt named sparky.

i also invented another set called the destiny's bounty. i want to make a stop-motion movie with my sets.


the day i found quartz in a normal sandstone park

the quartz-hunters. these are their stories.

i found a quartz in victoria park. i polished it in a cup with water and an old toothbrush. now i'm putting it on display. did you know that each piece of quartz is worth money? you SHOULD know that. find some and take it to a jeweler to know how many dollars it is worth.


electrician again

i installed a new light switch with only a little bit of help from daddy.



we learned about food groups. here is a meal i made with toy food. it has all four food groups. and a cupcake.

visit from grandma lollipop

this picture is the best picture i've ever drawn. it was drawn with a window marker at night. look see. look look look. see see see. it is my grandma, surrounded by silly string. take a look-see.



we learned from my rupert book and from charlie and lola about the game of conkers. conkers are the nuts from the horse chestnut tree. don't eat them. they are poisonous. my friend has a horse chestnut tree in front of her house. she collected a big bag of them for me. then we played the game. here's a video that shows how to play.